When there is no room for mistakes, there is no room for improvement.
– Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty
We already know we’ll be making errors, screw up here and there, and things won’t necessarily go our way no matter how much we plan ahead.
It’s a given.
But we also know we’re supposed to fail fast, move on quickly from our mistakes, and let go to grow.
That is what will help us get better and better, as it’s something we can’t ignore, avoid, or stir away from…mistakes will happen.
…this is also a given.
If we want to always be learning, we need to accept that, cherish it, and appreciate such mishaps and obstacles as they highlight a lesson that wasn’t in our syllabus and wasn’t necessarily expected.
Those times when something didn’t go as you planned, results were awful, and you’re feeling bummed and down are also visible alerts that a lesson is ‘a-brewing’. You’re getting a notification that a mistake was made (or an accident), but this is also a lesson, and if approached positively, looked at with open eyes, and a real attempt is made…you will learn something new each and every time.
And since you’ve experienced it and accepted it, then it is definitely a chance for personal improvement…
…even if it’s showing what was the wrong way or pinpoints your errors, in short…you’re seeing how NOT to do it next time.
In other words, the lesson is also teaching you what NOT to do next time.
Don’t you agree?